To Support Social and Emotional Development and to Provide Positive Guidance

Children begin life like little caterpillars, small and fragile, crawling their way around this world. They then evolve into beautiful butterflies that are ready to spread their wings and fly away into a new world of learning and growing. It is very important for them to have competent adults who will help support and guide them through each stage.

Self confidence and self-esteem are two of the most important things we can teach. It empowers them to do whatever it is they set their minds to do. With this kind of self-awareness, they can truly do anything. To build confidence I teach them how to appreciate their individuality and accept differences. I plan activities and projects for them that promotes self-help skills, which enables them to use their talents. Self-esteem, is a vital factor in a child’s development. A negative view of one's self can hinder progress if not overcome. To build self-esteem I remain positive with the students and look for something good to complement each child about. I teach them how to love their inner selves, and that while we all are very different, we each possess qualities worth being proud of. They are encourage to establish and maintain positive friendships and be respectful of all classmates. I try to maintain a positive learning environment by being a positive teacher. Once you have established the positive nature within the child, they can begin to practice self-efficacy. This establishes the necessary building blocks to becoming an influential member of society.

Social skills begin very early on in life. Infants learn about healthy interactions when there is someone who sings, talks and comforts them. Communication is the cornerstone of all of our lives, from early infant to late adulthood.  We communicate on a daily basis in many ways. It is important for children to learn proper communication skills to help develop speech. My children are taught how to treat one another with respect and use kind words in the class. Team time is used to help discuss issues that kids normally deal with such as bullying. It is important to provide avenues for kids to download their concerns.

Lastly, guiding children to appropriate and acceptable behavior takes a lot of effort and support. This guidance begins with the examples that kids see on an everyday basis and look to for understanding. It is my position to be a positive and effective leader. I provide a classroom environment that allows for the children to express their interests and creativity in many ways. Rewards and praises encourage desired behavior in the class and promotes higher levels of learning.

Just like children, we adults never stop learning. The fact is, the lessons we learn follow us through each stage that we go through.